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How To Make The MTN Free VSF Blackberry Bundle Of 2GB Browse

I posted this tutorial of how to get the free MTN 2GB data for blackberry Bundle Also called BES but now I am going to post how to make it work using Psiphon VPN to boost it to work for all the applications. If you know are using blackberry, you don't need this because it automatically work for you and those using Java phones will also not flex this free data, just get an Android phone and start blazing with this free data now. How To Get This Free MTN Blackberry BES or Blackberry VSf Of 2GB? => You can be awarded the awoof 2GB data just by Migrating to MTN VSF Power by dialing *444*1*4*1# or Dial *444#,reply 2, reply 4, reply 2 and reply 1. How Can I Check The Data Balance? Go to your text message, Type status to 444. To view your data balance. How to make it work using Psiphon? Firstly you have to tweak your Android Imei to blackberry Imei by downloading MTK Android or Mobile uncle for the tweaking so you will be tweaking one of these imeis here below. List of blackberry IMEIs You can use any of the below BB IMEI and you don't have to analze before it work just tweak one and it will work. 358265011970677 358265019457685 358265019457624 358265019457680 358265019452453 358265019457298 358265019457784 358265019457902 358265019457810 358265019456820 358265019450532 358265019457689 358265019452094 358265019457687 358265019457908 358265019457309 You can as well use any other BB IMEI of your choice apart from the ones here or you can use any of your bb Imei at home in which you will check with *#06#. Before then, go to your phone APN settings and configure it like this: Name: ASHLOADED BEST TWEAK APN: Proxy server: Port: 8080 Then save and activate it as your default APN. Remember to put your 3G network active because of the psiphon we are going to use. Psiphon settings for the FREE 2GB From MTN BlackBerry BUNDLE >Untick Remove Port >proxy type - Real host >Proxy server- Or >Real Proxy type: HTTP Click save >Select any country of your choice as region e.g USA Singapore, UK or Japan > Click more options > Mark "Connect through an HTTP Proxy" > Enable or Choose " Use the following Settings" > Host Address : > Port : 8080 > Now Go back and connect.

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