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How to Fix template-skin only available for templates version 2 and above

According to my knowledge you adding custom
template-skin to your blogger layout or may you
have removed some code or you might have remove
this code to setup Facebook comments for blogger.
When my friend have this issue ask me to help with
this issue and I started too. Comparing other default
template and this template but not found the error
about hardly trying of 6 hours. Almost compared all
section of blogger but found nothing, which was
more frustrating at that time. At last I found this
issue in the starting point of the code, sometimes
solution is in front of you but we does not look at it.
 How to solve this error
Step 1: Go to Blogger Dashboard > Template > Edit
On the first block of code you must find something
like this:

html expr: dir =' data:blog .
languageDirection ' xmlns =' http: //www .
w3 .org / 1999/xhtml ' xmlns :b= 'http ://
ww w. google .com / 2005/gml /b' xmlns :data
=' http:/ /www . google .com /2005/ gml /data
' xmlns: expr= 'http: //www .google . com /
2005 /gml / expr'>

Step2. Just Replace above Code with this

html b: version=' 2' class =' v2' expr:
dir = 'data: blog.languageDirection '
xml ns =' http:/ /www . w3 .org / 1999/xhtml '
xmlns :b= 'http :// www .google . com /2005 /
gml / b' xmlns: data= 'http: //www .google .
com / 2005/gml / data' xmlns :expr= 'http: /
/www .google .com /2005/ gml /expr '>

That's All

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