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JAMB Proposed Model For Screening Of Recommended Candidates

Admission And Matriculation Board held a meeting at the B.O Ukeje Auditorium, Nation Commission for colleges of Education, Central BusinessDistrict Abuja on Tuesday 28th, 29th and 30th to map out admission screening modalities for Colleges of education, polytechnics and Universities.The meeting was chaired by the permanent secretary ministry of education, Dr. Shade Yemi-Esan.After evaluating the screening models of some schools in previous years and other factors surrounding the admission processes in tertiary institution in the country, JAMB released a proposed model for the screening of recommended candidates.PROPOSED JAMB MODEL FOR SCREENINGOF RECOMMENDED CANDIDATES1. Screening of candidates shall be forONLY candidates recommended for admissions.2. No written examination to be conducted.3. Verification of Course Requirements(O’ levels or A’ levels).4. Verification of valid JAMB results by checking:i.Online Result Slipii. Printoutiii.Provisional Admission Letteriv. Photo Albumv. Checklistvi. Biometrics5. Institutions are free to source fromother Course(s) tocompensate for SHORTFALL in any of the criteria.Note:The list of candidates that have scored above the minimum cut-off mark, and are NOT admitted may be forwarded toother institutions that need them for consideration. Especially their Second (2nd) Choice institutions of preferences.

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