Man kills a snake and start behaving Like a Snake
A man has began behaving strangely by hissing and
seeing things after he killed a cobra on the road.
James Kihara is now slithering and hissing like a snakeA
man has left his family in shock and deep worry after he
started behaving like a snake.
According to information gathered, the man had killed a
cobra but suddenly began behaving like a snake and
seeing strange creatures and cats.CitizenTv reports that
James Kahara had killed a cobra on the road before the
strange phenomenon occurred, since then, he has been
slithering and hissing like a snake.
“I was on my way heading home when I saw Kahara on
the road moving in a motion similar to a snake’s and
producing a hiss.
I tried to pray, but I could not. We wish preachers could
intervene,” says Kahara’s aunt.Kahara said he was
previously ill while residing in Mombasaarea of Kenya,
before relocating back to Murang’a
. He reportedly came across a cobra after staying in
Murang’a fora week and killed it, its then that he started
exhibiting strange characters.“My woes began when I
killed a snake on Saturday.
I have been seeing snakes and cats approaching me
where I am”, he said quoted by Citizen.
He also said he sees strange women clad in red and
black who tell him nothing can be done to change his
current situation.
“I have also been seeing three strange women moving
toward me. One is clad in a red skirt and the other two
are donned in black skirts.
The women tell me that there is nothing I can do, and
that prayers won’t help me out of this situation,” he
added.Kahara’s mother Mary Njeri is appealing for
spiritual help forher son saying he has been possessed
with evil spirits.
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