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Signs That Witches And Wizards Followed You To A Job Interview

Just when any of these happens to you, be rest assure that the witches and wizards in your village followed you to a job interview.Lemme keep the ball rolling.1. If you go for an interview and the interviewer asks you the question “where do you see yourself in five year’s time, and you replied “I see myself becoming the Managing Director of this noble company, meanwhile the MD is one of the interviewers ooo.2. If you were asked a close ended question that demands a direct answer but you threw the interviewers into a state of confusion by blowing grammar like Hon Patrick Obahiagbon in a bid to show to them that you have a wide range of vocabulary.3. During the interview process, the CEO discovers you’re the one that has been immensely bashing him on Nairaland for posting comments in the Job/Vacancy section.4. If you spent the whole night reading and preparing for an interview, only for you to take a nap but you eventually woke up the next day at 2pm meanwhile the interview was scheduled for 10am5. If the lady you once “chop and clean mouth” turns out to be the Human Resource Manager.6. If an unknown number calls unknown to you that it was the HRM that called you for your letter of employment but you thought it was your friend that failed to pay his debt, only for you to furiously and impatiently pick the call and start bashing and raining curses on the HRM thinking it was your friend.7. If you were sent a message to come for the second phase of the interview the next day but you quickly deleted the message without reading it thinking it was MTN Caller Tunes8. If the person you earlier lambastedin the danfo bus you boarded happensto be the person collecting applicant’s CV before the interview process. Just know that your CV is going straight to the dustbin grin9. You submitted your CV to a companyin Lagos and travelled to Enugu the following week for a friend’s wedding party. You saw a popcorn seller passingby and you waved to him and some. You glanced through the popcorn paper only to discover that the paper she used to sell popcorn for you was the CV you submitted in Lagos.

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