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Tip On how to Make your Wife happy (Now Revealed)

His name is Sheik Aid al-Qarni, and he knows how to
settle any quarrel with your wife in just 5 minutes.
The man is a famous teacher and Muslim believer.
What he has to say to husbands is a real surprise for
many, who confess Islam:
“If you have contradictions and conflicts with you
wife, never yell at her or do things to make her
afraid. Do not tell her she is wrong. Any woman
needs to talk her feelings out. Let her do it. At this,
turn off the TV or PC. The best thing a man can do is
to give in to his wife. Bow your head and humbly
listen to what she says. And say nothing in return
regardless of whether she is right or wrong.”
What a surprising piece of advice from a Muslim
teacher! What he says next is wise indeed!
“Tell her she is right! Tell her you repent before the
Almighty. Promise her never to do it again. Tell her
you to pray for her forgiveness and you have made a
mistake. You do not know how that happened. You
Women are more emotional. They are guided by their
feelings. As a rule, women are kinder and heartier
than men. Women take care of the sick even when
they get sick too. A woman carries her child, feeds
and cuddles them. She gives love to her husband
and cares for him. If you give in to your wife and ask
her forgiveness, it does wonders!”
This is the shortest path to having peace at home
and avoiding or settling conflicts in minutes, instead
of hours or days!

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