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Face of Jesus Christ appears in the Sky of England (Photo)

A 26-year-old mother-of-two couldn’t believe her eyes
when snapped the s~~t, looked at her smartphone and
saw the mystery bearded face staring back at her!
The blurry silhouette resembling Jesus’ face can be
seen in the middle of the image of the striking pink
and purple skyline in between the two trees.
Recalling the moment Becky said: “I was just taking a
nice picture in my son’s bedroom of the sunset because I
thought it looked really pretty. I couldn’t believe it when
I saw the face looking back at me through the camera it
was so cool.
I immediately tried to zoom in and take another picture
but it just didn’t look as good which is a shame. The
first person that came into my mind was that it looked
like Jesus.”
She sent the picture to her mother who was also
amazed by the resemblance and the pair both posted
it on social media.
Expectedly, it immediately went viral forcing people
in different corners of the world guess who is that
guy with kind face hiding in heaven.
Although there were various theories about and
comaprisons to popular actors and siners, Becky is
convinced — Jesus revealed himself to her.
She said : “I think you can quite clearly see that it’s a
man and that he’s got a beard and a moustache but the
only person I thought of was Jesus.”
Something weird is also happening in Nigeria as
hundreds of people gathered at Saint Augustine’s
Catholic Church which is located in the Nenger area of
Makurdi in Benue following the appearance of an
image of Jesus.
Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon involving
an image or a sound wherein the mind perceives a
familiar pattern of something where none actually
Common examples are perceived images of animals,
faces, or objects in cloud formations and hidden
messages within recorded music played in reverse or
at higher- or lower-than-normal speeds

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