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Many people have been experiencing difficulties in downloading videos on YOUTUBE, I was once like you until I discovered this simple trick. Therefore my dear reader I will advise you not to worry as am going to proffer you the solution now. This trick is so cool, I have been using it to download Videos on YOUTUBE for years back. It works perfectly for downloading on both on phone and PC.Without any long story below are the procedures;

Here is how to download video by using the ss trick.

Step1. Go to (on phone) or on PC) and search for whatever video you want to download

Step 2. Click on it (i.e. your chosen video) it will take you to where you can watch the video

Step 3. Scroll up to the url of your browser (let say your url is

Step 4. Then replace (m.) in the link with ss it will look like this then press enter button

Step 5. It will redirect you to this

Step 6.Choose your video file type and format of the video and press the download button and the video will get downloaded for free.

NOTE: The only difference between the Url instep 1 and step 3 above is the ss included in the step 3 link. Therefore Make sure you add the ss after www. i.e or after the https://ss then the rest of the linkALSO NOTE:The URL is for tutorial. Use the URLof the video you want to download.

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